18 June 2009

the Wienermobile!

Some things you just can't pass up... like a chance to see the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile!

That's right. One six official Oscar Mayer Wienermobiles recently found its way to Roanoke, and I just happened across it. You know you are jealous.

Click to learn more from Kraft food's Official Oscar Mayer Wiener website.

And just in case you thought I wouldn't get to go inside.... oh yea. Relish that you hotdog!


Jeff Tompkins said...

I found this blog while searching for other people with my last name. Strangely enough, this is the most recent post, and it's related to a column written by my favorite humor writer, Dave Barry.

Metro said...

Uh Dude did you ride the wiener or just sit on it?

Just kidding. That's killer I didn't even know that you could go in the wiener. How many people will it accommodate?
